Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Learning More About Cold Frame Greenhouses

!±8± Learning More About Cold Frame Greenhouses

Cold frame greenhouses offer you a great way to keep your plants safe from the natural elements as well as animals and insects that you do not want getting too close to your stock. Most people know that water ruins some plants, fruit and veg when it comes into direct contact with the leaves. This is why so many people are looking into greenhouses like cold frame greenhouses.

If you are looking to start small, you will find that there are a number of different sizes that you can choose from, and all of these come with a different price tag. The great thing about them is that you can grow any type of plant, fruit or veg, as you are in control of the climate inside. There are a lot of gardeners out there who are using these to grow exotic plants and flowers in the winter and winter flowers in the summer. They are also really great when it comes to growing summer fruit in the middle of winter and vice versa.

If you have a very large garden and are looking for the ability to organize your planting schedules and keep things separated, you will find that going with a few smaller sized cold frame greenhouses will be your best bet. This way you will be able to grow veg in one, fruit in one and plant and flowers in another, with no need to keep them all in one little green house.

Most gardeners and growers do it this way and this is because most fruits, veg, plants and flowers require different temperatures, and controlling the temperature of different areas in a small space does get a little complicated. This is why if you have your crops separated you will be able to give them exactly what they want without needing to worry about ruining your other crops.

If you are used to growing in your back yard without the use of a greenhouse of this type, you must also be used to dealing with slug control. When you have your things in a green house, you will find that you have a lot more control over what comes in and what goes out of your garden.

Moles are also a huge problem when it comes to growing fruits and veg. If you have a greenhouse, they too will be a thing of the past. This means that you will save money by having much less damaged stock. The other thing about this is that you can also control the irrigation and watering of your crops, as you will find that you have greater control over drip irrigation.

The one thing that you will want to do if you are looking to start out small is to start with greenhouse kits. They are really simple to use and very easy to set up, and you are able to choose from a different number of sizes and types that will suit your budget and the size of your back yard.

Learning More About Cold Frame Greenhouses

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Container Gardening - Watering Pot and Container Plants For the Best Results

!±8± Container Gardening - Watering Pot and Container Plants For the Best Results

The successful watering of pot plants can be reduced to the aim of maintaining a balance between air and moisture in the potting mixture, so that both are readily available to the plants' roots. The best way of ensuring this is to water the growing mixture to saturation, while making sure that the excess water drains away as quickly as possible. How, in practical terms is this best achieved?

Firstly, one should water so that the entire surface area of the potting mixture is wetted, and that enough water is applied, so that the excess drains out of the bottom of the pot into a receptacle, or preferably, is carried away by a collecting pipe. Secondly, the next watering should take place when the top 2-3cm (1in) of potting soil has dried out somewhat. Generally, this allows for the desired air/moisture balance.

This method is somewhat counter intuitive, especially as many people confuse it with "over watering". Over watering, is a situation whereby the soil or potting medium permanently lacks sufficient air. It is generally caused by very frequent but shallow watering, as opposed to the method just described.

Another advantage with less frequent, but deeper irrigation (watering to excess) is that it prevents the buildup of salts in the medium, which is a major, but often overlooked reason for poor results with container plants. Tap and irrigation water are becoming increasingly saline, particularly in dry climates, while dissolved fertilizers (which are mineral salts) add to the salt concentration of the potting soil. Watering to the point that the excess drains out of the pot, periodically leaches out the excess salts.

Which method is best for watering your container plants? Obviously, hand watering with a hose or canister is laborious and time wasting. In outdoor situations, especially in areas with hot, dry summers, where it may be necessary to water at least once a day, hand watering, while feasible for indoor plants, becomes unsustainable. Undoubtedly, installing a drip-irrigation system is the most efficient and effective way of watering the pot plants. Here are some guidelines to help you get the most from the system, bearing in mind that the aim with each watering is to wet the total surface area and the total volume of the growing mixture.

*Space the drippers close enough to each other so that the all the surface area is covered by the water that they emit. A distance of about 20mm (3/4in) is usually enough.

*Be aware of the different flow rates of the drippers. The flow rate is the amount of water emitted per unit of time, expressed in gallons per hour (GPH), or liters per hour. Common metric flow rates are 1, 2, 4, and 8 liters per hour, which is ¼, ½, 1, and 2 gallons per hour.

*Use drippers with low flow rates for shallow and small pots, and drippers with higher flow rates for the bigger and taller containers. The aim is arrive at a total flow rate for each pot that is proportional to its volume, relative to the other pots. So a container that has four times the volume of another container, should have drippers whose total emission, is four times greater per unit of time.

*Turn on the tap, and time how long it takes for the water to emerge. If the drippers have been placed evenly within each pot, and the flow rates are proportional, then water should start coming out of the bottom of the different containers, at almost the same time!

*Set the water timer appropriately, adding perhaps a minute of watering time, in order to leach out the salts.

Container Gardening - Watering Pot and Container Plants For the Best Results

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Friday, December 2, 2011

1/2" Barbed Tee for Drip Irrigation

This is a short educational video by www.dripdepot.com on how to install a 1/2" barbed tee into a drip irrigation system.

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

How to Add Medication for Your Sinus Irrigation

!±8± How to Add Medication for Your Sinus Irrigation

Sinusitis and postnasal drip have always been slow to respond to systemic antibiotics. This is primarily because antibiotics penetrate poorly into diseased sinus cavities. Think of it as trying to get ink into the center of an onion. Unless you soak that onion in a sea of ink, little of the ink will penetrate into the inside.

It is important on any medication or antibiotic to be careful of the dosage. It takes a huge amount of trial and studies to finally come up with a dosage that is SAFE. Once you do find a safe dose, then you need clinical trials to find out if the drug is effective. Then you need trials to see if the new drug is more effective than a placebo. You can understand how difficult this all is when the new drug is effective in 88% of sinus infections, and the placebo is just as effective in 74%.

For most drugs, you only need one week of the medication for lung or kidney infection; but for the sinus infection you need to take the drug for several weeks of longer. For the lung, it is like dropping ink on a blotting paper due to the great circulation to the lung. For the Sinus, it is like dropping ink on an onion. It may take weeks to get to the center of that onion. In other words, clearing a sinus condition with oral antibiotics is difficult if there is built up tissue or disease in the sinus cavity.

This is why doctors now apply the antibiotic by pulsatile irrigation. The advantages are many:

You can use a higher concentrated dose of the medication, since it is not entering the body. Little if any of the drug is absorbed into the body You can use antibiotics that are only effective for topical use You don't need to worry about side effects of the drug because little or none of it enters the body. The medication enters the sinus cavity and remains there to do its work. You can take an X Ray and see the medication inside the sinus cavity. Because of the steady stream with nasal irrigation, plus the pulsation effect, you get maximum entry of the antibiotic solutioin into the infected sinus cavity.

On the negative side, it is important that the instructions be followed carefully for best effect.

Directions for using medication for pulsatile irrigation.

Add warm water to the top of the mark- 500 cc. Add one teaspoon of salt to make a 1% isotonic solution Mix Irrigate 300 cc., about ½ on each side. Then stop and gently clear the nose. This is to remove products that may impede the antibiotic entering the tissues. Now add the doctor's medication to the remaining 200 cc. Mix Now irrigate approximately one hundred cc on each side. When finished, remain at the sink quietly for 10 minutes. Do not blow the nose Try not to blow the nose for about 2 hours.

It is important is to follow your doctor's instructions. The advantage of pulsatile irrigation is that some doctors might want you to irrigate 150 cc on one side and 50 on the other. Or Irrigate first 400 cc of saline and then add medication to the remaining 100 cc.

The types of medication vary depending on culture, patient history, etc. Currently there is a wide variation on medications that are being used, including Gentamycin, Tobramycin, Mupiricin, and many others. The pharmacy companies usually include the pulsatile irrigator with the medication.

Another disadvantage of this method is that some medications occasionally have a taste you may not care for, unlike the simple capsules you can swallow. But considering how effective this method is, and that you spare the patient the unpleasant side effects of the systemic antibiotic, that is not a significant problem.

In summary, when you have an eye infection, you put in eye drops. Now, for sinus infection, you similarly put the antibiotic directly into the sinus cavity by pulsatile irrigation.

How to Add Medication for Your Sinus Irrigation

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

How to use a fail bung in a dribble irrigation system

This is a short educational video by www.dripdepot.com on how to use a goof plug to plug mistakes in 1/2" tubing and how to plug the end of a run of 1/4" tubing.

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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Drip Irrigation - A More Harvest To Your Onion

!±8± Drip Irrigation - A More Harvest To Your Onion

In tropical countries like the Philippines, the traditional way of growing bulb onions is without irrigation. But with the advent of low priced onion from nearby China, the traditional way of growing onions is no longer as competitive and profitable as it was. Hence, the farmers has to adopt new methods on how to increase their produce but with less production cost in order to compete with the prevailing market price. It is at this instance that they adopted the Israel drip irrigation technology in their agricultural endeavor. In using the technology in a garden plot area of two thousand square meters, it has accommodated four hundred grams of red bulb onion seeds. During harvest time, it has yielded around one hundred eighty eight net bags of bulb onions where each bag weighs twenty seven kilograms but buying price by traders under consideration is only twenty five kilograms with two kilograms allowance for shrinkage.

Under the traditional methods, forty five net bags can only be produced in the four hundred grams of seeds but with drip irrigation it has yielded four times than the traditional way. With this rate of production, the farmers could still make a profit even if the price in the market is low like the cheap onion from China. Though there are additional cost incurred in adopting the technology, it can easily be recovered with the increase yield. Besides, the drip lines are reusable for several years. So the initial cost, can be depreciated a number of years. The produce is also noted to be of better quality because they are heavier and with firmer texture and therefore, they have a longer shelf life. One onion bulb weighs ninety seven grams against the bulb grown the traditional way which weighs only sixty five grams.

Growing onions the drip irrigation way is also very convenient to use, by opening the control valve for a few minutes a day and all the onion plants get their dose of moisture and nutrients for their proper growth and development. A three point four (3.4o) kilogram of fertilizers are applied to the drip line every other day or about a hundred for the entire crop season for a two thousand square meters garden plot. The two thousand square meters area was divided into thirty six plots each measuring twenty five meters long (82 ft.), point eight meter wide (2.60 ft.) and point two meter high (o.67 ft.). Six rows of seedling distanced at point one meter apart (0.34 ft) were planted in each plot. Two drip lines are installed in each plot. The seedlings were planted after one month and three weeks since the seeds germination. The drip lines were open fifteen minutes each day when the plants were still small until he drippers were opened up to thirty three minutes a day when the plants are fully grown. The water comes from an elevated tank and the same is supplied by means of gravity. In addition to what has been mentioned, the importance of selecting quality seeds and improved propagation techniques have also contributed to the increase in harvests of the onion.

Drip Irrigation - A More Harvest To Your Onion

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Using Drip Irrigation and Lawn Sprinklers - Taking Care of Garden Plants and Lawns

!±8± Using Drip Irrigation and Lawn Sprinklers - Taking Care of Garden Plants and Lawns

Garden plants and lawn care is not a difficult task. Even an inexperienced gardener also can do it if some guidelines or tips are taken into consideration. This article will help you figure out some ideas for lawn/garden care.

Why it is Necessary to Choose Right Watering Method?

The basic thing that goes behind the growth and maintenance of your garden in proper way is the water supply. Adequate level of water supply is the key to the growth of garden lawn and plants.

You see, not every plantation in your garden require same amount of water. And neither the supply of over-water or insufficient water is good for plantation. Therefore, choosing a right watering system is very much crucial.

Choosing Proper Watering Method or System

Your can choose your watering system according to the requirement of your garden. If you have vegetables or flower beds, then you need frequent watering in right proportion. If you have larger trees or shrubs, then you require infrequent deep watering.

You have different irrigation systems and supplies for your garden. If you have big garden and want to save your time, money and water then drip irrigation system is best for you. The water supply, this irrigation system offers goes directly to the roots of plants. There is a little chance for evaporation and water waste.

If you want to irrigate your lawn then drip irrigation is of little use. Here you can choose garden sprinklers/lawn sprinklers/sprinkler systems. You can easily install the system on your own. There are also multiple choice options for sprinklers such as sprinkler heads with spray, rotor and drip variations, wet sprinklers, dry pipe sprinkler systems, DIY sprinklers, micro and floppy sprinklers.

What to Remember While Watering Garden Plants?

The mature plants need less water compared to new ones. The most essential thing to consider is to figure out the condition of your watering needs. Consider the soil type of your garden lawn and its moisture level. This will help you supply the level of irrigation.

Keep all these considerations into your mind and help your garden grow in green!

Using Drip Irrigation and Lawn Sprinklers - Taking Care of Garden Plants and Lawns

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

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Monday, October 10, 2011

The Cape Coral, Florida Utility Expansion Project - Hooking Up

!±8± The Cape Coral, Florida Utility Expansion Project - Hooking Up

Day One

It's midmorning and I'm on the computer when I begin to hear the all-too-familiar growl of excavating equipment breaking ground in my front yard.

It's my day off from work. Fresh out of bed, hair mussed, wearing boxer shorts and a white t-shirt...my plans to take a shower and prepare for the day are dashed with the first ground tremors. R.L. Wilson Plumbing is hooking my house up to the city water and sewer lines. I knew they'd be coming soon, but no one told me it would be today.

I wonder how long this is going to take?

I thought about going out to ask them how long they'd be. But, still dressed in bed linens and cranky from Cape Coral Utility Expansion Project flashbacks, antisocial urges take control of me. I've got utility fatigue. I chalk the day up to a loss, shut the venetian blinds, and vow to ignore any knocks on my front door. Please don't let them need anything from me to finish this job.

The noises grow louder and curiosity gnaws at me. I use my index finger to pull up one single blind for a peak outside. A crew of four or five people with safari hats and shovels are dissecting my front yard. A smallish excavator claws away the top soil and rips a trench through my landscaped flower bed. Large, coral-textured, rocks and shell debris are extracted from the guts of my lawn and placed in uneven piles aside the hole. Most of the work is done by hand...tedious, sweat-inducing, manual labor on the first ninety-degree day of the year. Better them than me.

On one side of the lawn is a trench for the water and irrigation lines. These are two stretches of PVC piping, about an inch and a half in diameter, which lead up to where the water enters our house. I wonder where the water comes from? Research provides the answer: Our drinking water is supplied from twenty-three deep wells, most of which are in the Lower Hawthorne Aquifer at a depth of 650 to 700 feet. The water is then treated utilizing one of the world's largest reverse osmosis plants, before being pushed off into the pipes that enter our houses.

Another, bigger, trench extends from down near the street up towards the front of the house. This is the sewer line. It's a much bigger piece of PVC pipe, about six or seven inches across.

Where the sewer once drained into the septic tank, it now flows into the city system and away towards one of the two Water Reclamation Facilities in Cape Coral (The Southwest Water Reclamation Facility or The Everest Parkway Water Reclamation Facility).

A few hours later, most of the yard is pieced back together, and the R.L. Wilson team is gone. Their work is clearly not done yet. There are still open holes. One is over the septic tank, the others are near important pieces of piping. I don't even think the house is hooked up to city utilities yet. They probably would have let me know. Right?

That's around the time I decided to flush the toilet...a horrendous air groan emanates from deep within the porcelain water tank and brownish-purple sludge water fills the bowl...Holy Christ, what have they done? Frantic, I run around the house turning on water faucets, watching in horror as air and mud-water spew and gargle from the nozzles. My mind fills with images of waterless days and expensive bills as experts try to determine the cause of this problem they've never seen before. My sink and tub are filled with sand and filth. The water pressure drops towards nothing. A slow trickle drips from the faucets. It's broken. My water is broken. Why does everything have to be so hard?

Instantly, I'm on the phone with the plumbing company, "What's going on here? I've got no water...I've got nothing."

"You're all hooked up to the city utilities now. Just make sure you start out by running your bathtub, not your shower or anything else, for about five minutes...you need to flush out any sand that got into the lines during he hook-up. If you run it through any of your other faucets or shower heads, the screens can get clogged up with dirt and you'll need to clean them."

It would have been nice if someone let me know this ahead of time.

I go to the bathtub and turn on the faucet. Full pressure water and belching air empty into the tub. Once the misplaced air has passed, the water washes the rest of the dirt out, and everything seems to be functioning properly. The woman on the phone tells me the job is not complete yet. They still need to stop by tomorrow to crush the septic tank and close up the remaining holes. They can't bury the pipes until a city inspector has seen them.

I finish the conversation, hang up the phone, and head towards the tub to investigate the still-running water. It's clean, lukewarm on the coldest setting, the pressure seems adequate...and it's costing me money!!! For the first time since I've moved to Florida, my water is costing me money!!! "Run it for five minutes," the lady told me...easy for her to say...she's not paying the bills.

I turn off the water and spend the rest of the night trying to fix an interior piece of my toilet clogged with coarse sand and leaves.

Day Two

It's midmorning and the loud-engined truck is out front, with a sluggish hose snaked across the lawn, pumping out the septic tank.

Twenty minutes later, and my property is quiet again.

Another two hours and a small team of men are back at work. Wooden boards are placed in a path across my war-torn lawn in an effort to protect what's left from the grind of impending excavator tracks. The industrial-yellow monstrosity labors its way up my yard towards a final showdown with the cavernous remains of an obsolete septic tank. The bulk of the underground tank is covered by another mulched and landscaped flowerbed. The mulch is pushed into piles. The black, fabric, weed barrier is ripped up in uneven patterns. The dirt and plants are dislodged and cast aside. The top of the long-buried septic tank is exposed to Florida sunlight and air for the first time since my house was built four years ago. Then the destruction begins.

The excavator stabilizes itself and commences pounding and ripping at the black plastic septic tank with all the raw, battering, force its toothed claw can muster. Repeated blows crush and shatter the septic tank, bringing an immediate and permanent end to its short-lived existence.

With the destruction complete, the excavator speeds down my driveway, and down the street, until it's out of sight. Seconds later it returns with a payload of clean sand filling its front-end loader bucket. The sand is dumped into the hole where the septic tank once was. I'm not sure where the sand is coming from, but six identical trip are made, and six loads of sand finally cover the fragments of plastic debris which once served a noble cause.

The landscaping is patched back together. The plants are approximately returned to their original locations. The weed barrier, now a death-shroud of sorts, is pushed back into place and covered with the piles of mulch.

The septic tank may have met a violent end, but at least it received a proper burial.

Day Three

For three days the workers have been coming and going, on autopilot, completing the job I've paid them to do.

There are still three open holes in front of my house awaiting the arrival of city inspectors. The work must be scrutinized for compliance with city codes before the evidence can be hidden.

I'm not sure when the inspectors arrived, or what they did once they got there, but sometime in the early afternoon the plumbers returned to finally complete the job. The open holes are filled and an effort is made to reduce the visible impact of the work that's been done.

Before they leave, one of the men prominently places a sign in my front yard. Another Professional Sewer Hook Up By R.L. Wilson Plumbing. I wait until the truck drives away, then I promptly walk outside, pluck out the sign, and throw it in the garage with the rest of my weekly trash. Don't get me wrong, R.L. Wilson did a good job and completed everything I paid them to do...it's just that my property has suffered enough indignity over the past 12 months. It doesn't need any more. My front yard will serve as a billboard for no one.

The Aftermath

My driveway is stained with black track marks from the comings and goings of heavy excavating equipment. Several of my trees and plants are mutilated and suffering. And my front lawn, which wasn't great to begin with, has been reduced to a heart-crushing eyesore. It may have been ailing before, but now it's in critical condition and in need of immediate, and expensive, resuscitation.

Two of my toilets are broken and, apparently, need all the interior parts replaced. They fill up and then continue to run, a quiet and high pitched sound with a brand-new dollar sign attached to it.

What used to be free, now costs money. Isn't that the way every thing's been going in this America of ours lately?

It's time for habits to change. Dish washing and clothes washing cycles will need to be coordinated in accordance with water conservation measures. No more letting the water run while I brush my teeth and shave. Less long showers and hot baths. Less waste and more prudence. There's a balance in this mess, somewhere, I hope.

I'm just glad to have my experience with the Southwest 4 Cape Coral Utility Expansion Project finished, once and for all.

The surgery was successful, but the scars are deep and the bills are high. Now is the time to heal...and pay. And pay. And pay.

The Cape Coral, Florida Utility Expansion Project - Hooking Up

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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The easiest way to a cabin off the grid

!±8± The easiest way to a cabin off the grid

Living in a cabin that is off, the network has its own set of unique and difficult problems. You can lie to the power of water and can really make you change your life. Here is a brief list of the types of challenges and opportunities, how to overcome them in order to optimize your lifestyle green.


Drilling a well can be extremely expensive and not always realistic, depending on many factors including the depth of the water table near you. If the groundwater is moreup to a few hundred meters, can not afford to be a capable all. Add in license fees and other costs of maintenance and equipment, and you're looking at a cost that many people simply end.

The solution for the water is so good want to consider, in a water tank. This is a popular option in many rural areas and the cabins are the first candidates for them. A tank is nothing but a big tub, the water is also suitable for use in the water system.They range from plastic to concrete in construction and can also be up in the hills to avoid the places of your cabin, with a booster pump.

Put gutters in the cabin to help steer the tank full of rain and snow melt in the tank, instead of on your property. Given the relatively low cost of the gutters are an easy way to expand the system tank. You can also fill barrels with water for landscaping, so that you can only water for landscaping, if the use willThey wish.


Connecting to the network can be very expensive and not always feasible for many car owners or builders. The easiest way to your cabin with a reliable source of energy is used with a generator to a deep cycle battery bank fees. The DC jack on the generator and a direct connection to the batteries is the least preferred method, but by connecting a trickle charger to the generator and with that, you should recharge the battery bank is the bestWay.

Among the bank of the battery and the house wiring, an inverter must be inserted to prevent damage to sensitive electronic components from damage caused by the wave of some approximate sinusoidal electricity. Once this is done can be any computer, DVD player or TV network.

The easiest way to a cabin off the grid

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Irrigation Area - 36"W x 27"H

!±8±Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Graphic - Irrigation Area - 36"W x 27"H

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    Friday, September 9, 2011

    To build your container garden

    !±8± To build your container garden

    Production of vegetables is not only on earth or in the gardens, but now is in the heart of the city or simply grown alone in the house with only a limited space.

    If your house has an area with lots of sunlight - a prerequisite for growing vegetables, you can grow successfully. What are the places that can be used for the container garden? You can your patio, balcony, terrace, roof terrace, patio, window sill, trails, etc.

    Be aware of the sunPrerequisite for any kind of culture. For leafy greens, should be required about four hours of sunlight during the day, fruit vegetables needed daily for at least 7-8 hours of sunlight, and root vegetables take about 6 hours of sun a day.

    And even produce their own vegetables in a more secure attachment of the common pests and diseases can be greatly minimized. You can also improve soil conditions with the addition of soil additives such as manure, compost and other importantNutrients needed by plants.

    Everything in your home, is considered trash by up to them to be used as compost. Even in your home wastewater can be used to irrigate your plants.

    In other words, the tank in the garden on the practice that makes use of unnecessary things.

    What are the ideal containers for container gardening?

    Vegetable growing can be used in any type of container, such as running, cans, plastic buckets, dividedTires, cement bags, food bags, plastic bottles, cans, gallon, engine blocks, container of milk, cut bamboo or container, discarded. In addition, coconut shells, banana leaves, bracts, the coconut is ideal as a potting compounds, especially for short-season vegetables, such as pechay, lettuce, mustard, etc.

    Good growing conditions, the ships have three fundamental characteristics as Relf (1996) has proposed;

    1 must be large enough to support adultPlants.

    2 You must provide adequate drainage.

    3 You can not products, must be maintained for poisonous plants and people.

    The containers, which can drain badly impact on the success of a container garden. It 'so important to the container floor or any support that will increase as the containers, pale, hollow blocks or something, offer to put under them, so that excess water drain away freely.

    For larger installations, it should be for the small and large containerUse small plant containers.

    Small containers (1-2 liters) are suitable for lettuce, spinach, mustard, peppers, radishes, onions, carrots, beans and tomatoes dwarfs. Medium-sized containers (3-10 gallons) are best for the eggplant, while in larger companies (more than 10 gallons) are good for cabbages, cucumbers and tomatoes.

    For most plants, the containers must be at least 15 inches deep minimum, particularly for vegetables coup of the season.

    Recommended and container type / Crop

    5 galBox window - Bush beans, lima beans
    1, plant/5gal.pot 3plants/15 gal pot cabbage, Chinese cabbage
    5 gal window box of at least 30 inches deep - Carrot
    1 plant / gal pot - cucumber
    5 gal pot - eggplant, tomatoes, okra
    Window 5 gal pot - Salad
    Plant/2gal 1. Pot, pot 5 gal plants/15 - Onion
    5 gal window box - pepper, spinach

    Average composition of the soil

    Plants grown in containers on the type of mixture of soil, for maximum growth performance. E 'a must that you can give the best possible composition of the soil media on the return of your work. It will provide the plants with the nutrients needed in the growth phase, the results were poor growth, stunted plants and lanky, the results of your failure.

    The mix of land ideal for container plants, vegetables are the following:

    1 Must be light and porous.

    2 You must eliminate excess water with ease.

    3 There should be a high waterCapacity.

    4 It should be free from soil-borne diseases, nematodes and insects.

    5 It should provide the right amount and balance of nutrients for plants.

    The best soil mix media should dial the following synthetic mixture of horticultural grade vermiculite, peat, lime, fertilizer, and superphosphate.

    Compost can also serve as an excellent growth medium.

    In your country, in which these media are not available, you canYour own potting soil by mixing 1 part compost or manure sludge medium, 1 part river sand, fine coconut powder coconut.

    If your country, the rice you can (charred), dry coconut coir and rice hulls to replace coal. But this must be carefully sterilized to some deadly microbes to kill harmful to plants.

    Sawdust is another tool that could be used in preparing the growing medium in the absence of coconut powder and coconut should be sterilized.

    SowingSeed planting and transplanting

    Before entering the process of sowing, it gives maximum attention to the selection of the seed used as seed. Good quality seeds should be your first concern.

    Seeds of good quality has the following characteristics:

    1 No injury
    2 more free to mix with other varieties
    3 free from seed borne diseases
    4 and with good strength and vitality.

    To ensure high quality seeds and reliable, you should buycertified seed producers and seed suppliers.

    All the vegetables, which undergoes the transplant excellent container for gardening. Transplants can be purchased from nurseries in your area or other local gardeners for success.

    Before the transplant, or fill a plastic tray sprouting with the preparation of growing with the following ratio: 60% of rice husk charcoal (charred), 30% coconut coir dust, chicken manure 10% (60 - 30-10 ratio).

    In the absence of these materialsHis country, you can use the old media land preparation - 1 part sand, one part compost and one part garden soil (1-1-1 ratio). Be sure to sterilize before sowing. This is due to some micro-organisms that can cause damage to kill seedlings.

    You can also save a medium prepared Growell local agriculture in your country sells. Ask your country experts in your area.

    Once the growing medium is ready to fill the holes in thegerminating soil or containers. Press the soil lightly with your middle fingers each well is half full. Then comes the sowing of seeds.

    In some techniques, seed should be done to ensure germination:

    Watermelon (Set) (Citrulis lunatus). Soak seeds 30 min .- 1 hour in water above. Incubate with a damp cotton cloth. Spread the seeds and cover. Located in a cartoon improvised for 24-36 hours. After this period, the sowing of seeds per hill I. Seed shouldLevel the soil with your finger or stylus to 1 cm deep. For the type of seedless procedure is the same as the top seed, but the peak in the vicinity of an embryo must be comfortable with a nail cutter cut before insertion into the ground. Cut the end accelerates seed germination.

    Bitter gourd / Ampalaya (Momordica charantia). Soak the seeds for 30 min.-1 hour. Cut the tip near the embryo and sow the seeds with soil depth of ¾ to 1 seed per hole.

    Upo (Lagenaria siceraria) andPatola (Luffa cylindrica). Stops up, the only near the embryo and seed a seed per hole.

    Pumpkin (Cucurbita spp.) Soak seeds 30 min.-1 hour. Then pinch the tip close to the semen and embryos in one seed per hole.

    Chilli (Capsicum annum L.), eggplant (Solanum melongena) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). Plant the seeds directly in the tray with 1-2 seeds per hole germination.

    Pechao / Pechay (Brassica Pechao), lettuce (Lactuca sativa), cauliflower (Brassica oleraceavar botrytis) and broccoli (Brassica oleracea var Italica). Sow directly to germinate seeds per hole of 1-2.

    Cucumber (Cucumis sativus), honey dew / cantaloupe (Cucumis melo). Planting the seeds to germinate seeds directly into the tray with a hole.

    Carrot (Daucus carota) and horseradish (Rafanus sativus). Sow directly to the field with 2-3 seeds per hill.

    (Asparagus officinalis) and beans (Phaseolus limensis). Plant the seeds directly in the field at 1 seedsfor the hill.

    Maize (Zea mays). Plant the seeds directly into the seed for a hill.

    Papaya (Carica papaya). Soak the seeds sown for 30 min.-1 hour and then the tray of seeds germinate with 1 per hole.

    Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus). Direct sowing in the field with 1-2 seeds per hill.

    Dimensions of containers for certain crops.

    or Medium - beans, lettuce, carrots, cabbage, broccoli

    Big O - cuccumber, eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, okra, squash, papaya

    or Small - onions,Parsley, radish

    Light requirements

    or Sun - beans, cucumbers, eggplant, tomatoes, peppers, carrots, okra, squash, cabbage, Chinese cabbage, broccoli, papaya

    or twilight - lettuce, onion, parsley, radishes

    Fertilizer requirements

    For the right amount of fertilizer for vegetables, it is necessary to analyze the soil mix media. And if possible, should be organic or inorganic fertilizers are used.

    Combination of organic and inorganic fertilizers would be verybetter with the correct ratio as a function of the system is required.

    With the use of inorganic fertilizers, you should prepare a basic nutrient solution by dissolving 2 cups of fertilizer in one liter of warm water.

    A growing solution is prepared by diluting 2 tablespoons of the basic solution in 1 liter of water.

    Implementation begins with the fusion 2-3 tablespoons of the solution of growing on the ground around the plants at the time of transplantation.

    The frequency ofApplication may vary from one culture to another, but only one application per day is sufficient. It is recommended to filter all the unused fertilizer from the soil mix once a week by pouring tap water due to the free flow through the holes in the bottom of the container.

    This practice will prevent the accumulation of harmful substances in the soil media. If you want to use organic fertilizers, you should clean or use 2 / 3 compost in growing media.

    If both organic and inorganic fertilizersused, must be at least a portion of the compost growing media and a tablespoon of the solution in growth can be applied at least once a day.

    If you mix synthetic culture medium, which is already filled with super phosphate fertilizer and fertilization are enriched not used in subsequent requests circumstances, early maturing crop.

    For the late ripening maize, growing daily application of the solution is required until maturity or just before harvest.

    Water management

    Water is theLife for container garden plants. It 'important that one should not neglect this requirement. Proper water management is crucial for successful container gardening.

    Basically, an irrigation one day enough for container grown plants. But the demand for vegetables grown in small containers can, 2 times a day for irrigation.

    Plants grown in clay pots require more frequent watering dishes are more porous and allowed to drain excess water from their sites.

    If the growing mediumappears to be extremely dry and the plant shows signs of drying, the containers grouped together so that the foliage creates a canopy to shade to cool the earth and hold it.

    Poor drainage of the growing media and containers can lead to water-logged that the results to plant death due to lack of oxygen.

    So you always have a vigorous plant, if the container at least once a day and sometimes you hear two hot, dry or windy days and the earthto determine whether dump.

    To reduce evaporation of water for potted plants, mulching material should be applied as mulch or put a plastic windshield.

    You can also use wire or drip irrigation for plants starting point when you can visit your plant every day to think about.

    Pests and diseases

    The control of pests and diseases need careful evaluation in containers, because the misuse of pesticides can cause damage to the environment, in particularThe children, who often come close to your potted plants.

    Actually, you should be implementation of integrated pest management (IPM). This approach is based on so-called systemic pesticides to prevent problems before they pests and diseases means seems concentrated.

    How can you do this?

    It 'done to continue to monitor pests, pest identification, and selection of a combination of control methods for the population of pests to a minimum. These methods are cultural,mechanical, biological and chemical methods.

    Recommended practices ...

    o Use insect and disease-resistant varieties of vegetables. To avoid attracting insects, plants in the garden, or those who are susceptible to parasites. Beans, peas, cucumbers, spinach, lettuce and squash are more resistant to pests.

    or water the plants enough to keep them healthy. Fertilize the plants, thin to reduce competition for moisture and nutrients.

    Remove the weeds or into the soil moistureand eliminate hiding places for pests.

    o Promotion of natural enemies of pests, such as predators and parasites. Attract beneficial insects such as Western Bug Damsel, Lady Beetle, Green Lace Wing, and minute pirate bugs planted in your garden as a small flowering plants, daisies, cosmos, calendula and red clover. Be sure that flower in bloom throughout the growing season.

    or not the same type of vegetables in the same place from year to year. A 4-year rotation cycleis recommended.

    Exclude or parasites of plants with fibrous, row covers and other barriers such as plastic bottles and plant collars.

    immediately affected, or remove portions of the plant. Remove all plant debris from the containers after collection, all cultures.

    or the use of traps to stop mating cycles of insects. Adhesive surfaces yellow winged aphids take, whiteflies and leafhoppers.

    or parasites, or handpick them knocking on plants with a stream of water from a garden hose.Kill insects by providing them with a soap solution.

    o If all other methods failed to control, are less toxic insecticides such as neem and botanical pyrethrins control. Insecticidal soap, horticultural oil can also be used for pest control. Always identify the pest before choosing a pesticide and the use according to the label.


    The collection varies with the vegetables. Leafy vegetables are harvested when the desired page size for each application are requiredis determined. Other leafy vegetables after harvesting of the time required is met. Fruits and vegetables such as loofah, cucumber, eggplant, beans, okra and Upo are harvested when their size is large, but soft. For squash varieties are harvested and expanded to large, but delicate, depending on user preferences.

    Cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli should be harvested when the heads are already being compact. Peppers and tomatoes can be harvested when the fruit must be startedmature.

    If you're just growing vegetables container for home consumption, you can collect only a portion of the plant and keeps the rest for later use. But if you think you have more than enough for family use, you can collect or sell everything and give them to your neighbors.

    Never allow the vegetables to flower before harvesting them, unless your purpose is to transport the seeds to grow future crops.

    Indices of maturity of certain plants

    Or white potatoesOnion, garlic - Top starts to dry out and fall

    or Cowpea, Sita, green beans, Bata, sweet pea, winged bean - well filled pods that really snap

    or Okra - Full-sized fruit with the tips that can be easily broken

    or beans, peas, pigeon - well-filled pods that start losing their green

    or Upo, loofah - Immature (if thumbnail can penetrate easily)

    or tomato - Seeds of slipping when fruits, cut, or green color turning pink

    peppers - Deep GreenTurn boring color

    Musk Melon or - Shadow of the underside is yellow cream makes boring sacred sound when hit

    or cauliflower - compact curd (too ripe, when opened, and bunches of flowers begin to loosen)

    or Broccoli - Bud compact clusters (too mature, if less)

    or kale - Heads Compact s (too ripe, when crack heads)

    O sweet corn - exudes milky sap when the kernel enters thumbnail

    or eggplant, ampalaya - desired size is reached, but stillOffer

    or honey dew - white with cream taste

    or squash - quite large, with leaves

    Watermelon or - Dull hollow sound when hit, and the bottom yellow

    Water spinach - part of their broader and longer

    Problems encountered in the container gardening

    In container garden you will meet some problems that may hinder the daily work. This is sometimes seen when the plants will not participate due to negligence.

    However, it is possibleTo avoid these problems, if you religiously observe your plants closely. Small pests and diseases can not be seen in a visible, if you see the look close the plant. You see only the affected plants as soon as you get closer and actually touching.

    Some, cause symptoms and remedies you should consider ...

    or high, wiry and not productive. The plant gets enough sunlight and excessive supply of nitrogen. To fix, you should transfer to the containera place where there is not enough sunlight.

    yellowing or below, the color and lack of vitality. The plant is getting too much water and low birth rates. To correct this, you must reduce the irrigation intervals and check the pots for good drainage.

    plants with sufficient water or want. The plant has poor drainage and aeration. Correct, you should use a potting mix with a high content of organic matter. Increase the number of holes in the tank for goodDrainage.

    or burning or burning of the leaves. The half of land with salt. To resolve this problem, you need to filter the container with tap water at regular intervals.

    growth disorders or purple leaves and peaky. The temperature is low in phosphates and low. Correct, you must move the containers in a warmer area. Increased phosphate content in the basic solution.

    or holes in the leaves and distorted in shape. Plants are attacked by parasites. Correct, you shouldNon-chemical insecticides or other biological control of pests.

    or spots on the leaves, dead or dry surfaces rust or powdery appearance. The plants are suffering from an illness. To fix, you must use stakeholders illness or the entire system in a serious condition. You can use non-chemical pesticides, if the disease at an early stage of infestation.

    To build your container garden

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    Monday, August 22, 2011

    The Rain Bird landscape drip irrigation design manual

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    Monday, August 15, 2011

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    SOLAR-X high efficiency module size is easy to handle and specifically designed to perform in the harshest of environments.The SOLAR-X module uses state of the art multicrystalline technology with a Silicon Nitride (SiN) coating that enhances cell efficiency. Encapsulation beneath high transmission tempered glass is accomplished using an advanced, UV resistant thermal setting plastic. The encapsulant, ethylene vinyl acetate, cushions the solar cells within the laminate and protects the cells from damage. The rear surface of the module is completely sealed from moisture and mechanical damage by a continuous high strength polymer sheet. The SOLAR-X module incorporates a reinforced anodized aluminum frame, designed to meet SOLAR-X High Quality Standards for corrosion resistance. APPLICATIONS INCLUDE: 12 Volt battery charging, Traffic signs & applications, Emergency communications, SCADA systems & monitoring, Small-scale irrigation pumping, Aviation obstruction lighting, Railway signal lighting, Street lighting.

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    Friday, August 12, 2011

    Trickle Irrigation for Crop Production: Design, Operation and Management (Developments in Agricultural Engineering)

    !±8± Trickle Irrigation for Crop Production: Design, Operation and Management (Developments in Agricultural Engineering)

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    Post Date : Aug 12, 2011 20:43:03 | N/A

    An entirely new agricultural technology, trickle or drip irrigation, began its development in the early 1960's. Initial progress was sporadic even though the advantages in water management with trickle systems were recognized. Operators were reluctant to use the system because of its high initial cost and questions regarding its reliability. Once the main problems were isolated and solutions developed to make the system reliable, rapid acceptance by the growers resulted. Today, trickle irrigation is being used on crops that were earlier considered to be uneconomical.

    This multi-purpose handbook brings together current knowledge from various engineering and scientific disciplines (crop, hydraulic, irrigation and soil sciences) needed for understanding the trickle irrigation system for crop production. The two dozen contributors are experts on the various subjects, which range from the basic to the more practical aspects of trickle irrigation. Major topics include design, operation and management - with individual chapters covering historical development, emitter construction and clogging, system design, water and salt distribution, automation, water treatment, irrigation scheduling, maintenance, fertilization and salinity.

    The book greatly expands the scope of research papers, reviews, extension bulletins, and updates earlier text with new information on trickle systems. A multi-disciplinary approach has been taken on a multi-faceted subject. The material contained in the book is the most comprehensive yet developed on the topic. Illustrative sample problems and solutions provide field operators and extension personnel with information needed to install and maintain trickle systems. As it is up-to-date, it is useful as a teaching and reference source for students, manufacturers and irrigation system operators as well as irrigation and crop specialists, and consultants.

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    Sunday, August 7, 2011

    Drip irrigation system - Masterpiece For Agriculture

    !±8± Drip irrigation system - Masterpiece For Agriculture

    All of you may be familiar with what exactly is drip irrigation. It is the process in which a drop of water drip systems. It 'also known as drip irrigation. Sprinklers can be a good source for your lawn or garden, but drip irrigation is best for your plants, flowers, shrubs and many others.

    You can use the garden, water, time, money and energy by using this system.This system takes care of you and your garden to save.

    This irrigation systemhas proven to be a blessing in drought condition, the place where there is a problem of water and above and more effective in the desert region. Trickle irrigation is the most effective way for irrigation, which consumes the least amount of water. With such a system of irrigation may be a better choice, because it is easy to carry anywhere and reduces the risk of disease.

    What are the things that will keep in mind when installing the drip irrigation system?

    pressure or waterthe pump when there is not enough pressure, can maintain order to provide the right amount of water.
    Maintain control of, or obstructions in the pipes, is that the most common and obvious problem is that in this type of system.
    Or the lines should be set simultaneously.
    water system or is near.

    What are the plants grow, or plants that you can use this system.
    Plants that have grown up with this system are:

    or grains: corn, sorghum, wheat;
    orFlowers: chrysanthemums, carnations, jasmine, rose, (All) ornamental (All) pastures;
    or fibers: cotton, sisal;
    or walnuts, almonds, are mother-ca, cashew, coconut, macadamia, walnut and
    or oilseeds: groundnut oil.

    The spices and vegetables are grown in systems of drip irrigation system:

    or spices: cardamom, pepper and
    or Vegetables: beets, onions, celery, Chilly, cucumbers, eggplant, lettuce, onions, peas, potatoes, radishes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes.

    Hope this information onDrip irrigation would be shown to be full of help.

    Drip irrigation system - Masterpiece For Agriculture

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    Thursday, August 4, 2011

    5/8" Drip Soaker Tape 500 Ft. Roll

    !±8±5/8" Drip Soaker Tape 500 Ft. Roll

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    5/8" Drip Soaker Tape has .5-1 Gallons Per Hour (GPH) drippers spaced every 12" for saturation coverage of desired area. Recommended working pressure 10 to 25 PSI with flow rates of 50-85 GPH per 100 feet of tape. * Use with tape fittings only. * Resistant to UV rays. * 15 Millimeters thick * Recommended above ground use only. * Ideal for use in any application where the row is straight and the plants are densely planted. * Drip tape is not well suited for curves or bends.

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    Tuesday, August 2, 2011

    TRICKLE IRRIGATION PERFORMANCE IN ORCHARDS: Energy Loss on Lateral, Geometric Characteristics and Hydraulic Variability Analysis

    !±8± TRICKLE IRRIGATION PERFORMANCE IN ORCHARDS: Energy Loss on Lateral, Geometric Characteristics and Hydraulic Variability Analysis

    Brand : | Rate : | Price : $61.99
    Post Date : Aug 02, 2011 16:43:24 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

    Performance of Drip irrigation has been recognized throughout the world especially in terms of water saving. Even though a lot work has been done but still, a lot need to be done, under changing field environment. Present study focus on the performance evaluation of different types of emitters in orchards irrigated field environment. Further the energy loss on lateral geometric characteristics and hydraulic variability analysis was made and the results are presented in this book. This book certainly enhance learning among researcher, scientists, students and farm mangers and helps planning research studies. The authors appreciate the efforts of Barthlemy Chaton and his team in facilitating and highly acknowledge publishing of it by VDM Publishing House Ltd., for technical knowledge sharing internationally.

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    TRICKLE IRRIGATION PERFORMANCE IN ORCHARDS: Energy Loss on Lateral, Geometric Characteristics and Hydraulic Variability Analysis

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